Hello Kitteh
I know its been a while. You don't have to remind me. Its been so long that it took me well over an hour to try to figure out my login and password and in the process, discovering an email address I forgot I had. Nothing in the old email but Winter Park promo's and (dare I admit) InStyle updates with of course the usual deluge of penis enlargement and Viagra notifications from unknown friends from around the world, I say friends because apparently we're on a first name basis. (And while we're on the subject, who continues to generate these emails in the hopes that they actually work to attract business? I mean, really. If I HAD a penis I certainly wouldn't jump at the first email suggesting I enlarge it, wouldn't that lead me to believe that somehow they knew it was too small and in that case I'd be too embarrassed to contact them in the first place, thinking, OMG! how does Kachinka know I want to enlarge it and WHY would I confirm her suspicions?)
Alright. Enough of that. Where were we? Cats. Right. So my last entry, back in Feb of 2010 was about a suspicious Realtor who speaks to cats and an idiot hiding in the closet. That was so last year, but, just to bring it full circle, my first blog of resolutions shall be about a cat: our cat, well, our second cat. I know what you're thinking, Ugh, this chick is turning into a cat-lady. Not so fast my friend. Well, maybe. We all gotta have our vices. Don't get judge-y with me.
It took Paul and I one year and seven months to finally settle on a name for our first cat. She is officially known as Salander, of course with her gambit of nicknames that have coursed through the beginnings of her life here with us. We named her after the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", it just seemed to be more appropriate than all the rest. Our second cat was named the night we got him. Reacher. Lee Child novelist fans, you know who you are. Of course he wouldn't be fully inducted into the Taylor household if we didn't have at least one nickname for him. I'm pretty sure he asked for this one: Captain Destructo. Toddler proofing a house is not enough for this little hairy wonder. At least we know now to zip-tie the fireplace screen shut for our future firstborn. (Don't get excited. I meant to say our distant future firstborn)
Reacher :: 1 -- Lampshade :: 0 |
Reacher is a lover and when he needs to be, a fighter. In the short month we've had him I've had at least three people suggest they might kidnap him due to his overwhelming cuteness. (But wouldn't they call it cat-napping instead of kidnapping?) I take no responsibility for his personality and blame my little brother Ethan entirely for the untold hours he spent in the cat-house holding and petting Reacher and his sister as kittens. (I know what you're thinking and no, get you're mind out of the gutter, its a doll-house turned cat-house. Wow, that didn't make it sound much better did it?)
So that's about it. I guess we're all caught up. See you next year. Same place, relatively same time.