Monday, February 07, 2011

How-to get a workout and make yourself angry (in that order)

Since I'm not traveling as much as I'd like or as I once did when this blog was born I now must fill my readers in with descriptions of self embarrassment and other prose, currently mis-entitled blog that it is.

I shall now share a little how-to.

How to attach a dryer hose: (AKA: How to re-attach the dryer hose of a double stack unit after the overpaid dryer repairman left it unattached making everything in our bedroom damp during and after a dry cycle):
Step 1: Tie back loose ends (swim cap works well)

Step 2: (Also part of Step 1:) Switch loose clothing for more appropriate attire (see above example)

Step 3: Perfect the Grunt

Step 4: Use full weight distribution, specifically, hang from the top of the unit with your full weight
Step 5: Grip with every appendage and pull

Step 6: If step 4 and 5 fail to budge the washer/dryer unit, use the full body simultaneous push-pull wedge

Step 7: More wedging

Step 8: Do the squeeze (not to be confused with wedging)

Step 9: Once you've sufficiently pulled the unit and given yourself a hernia, if you still have the energy, attack the dust bunnies

Step 10: Attach one end of the dryer hose to the wall hole and the other end to the dryer hole
Step 11: Hope it stays in place
Step 12: Try to push it back into its wall space gently enough to keep the hose attached
Step 13: Keep trying Steps 10-12
Step 13: Begin a rhythm of crying, grunting and pushing until a full blown tantrum erupts
Step 14: Curl up in the fetal position until husband comes home
Step 15: Watch husband do in 10 minutes what took you 2 hours

Step 16: Pose for final Failed Angry Dryer Ninja shot while husband tries to control his laughter 


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