i've been gone so long that i'm sure very few of my faithful friends (gib, i'm back) will even remember my address unless they accidentally hit their favorites of which i've dropped to the bottom. i did at several times write to update but technology was against me in one way or another and though i've had several inspired moments over the past months i recall none of them now and am brought back to the keyboard because; a: we now have internet b: a working computer and c: i want to inform my few reading friends that the little boy, one balcony over, has been given a new green whistle he has kept in his mouth to breathe through for the past hour, producing a single repetitive note either short or long in nature but continuous non-the-less to which i remind myself; a: this too shall pass, and b: it will still be a long while before i have children with whistles...
so don't ask.
digression over, stories continue...
digression over, stories continue...
my life in a year:
-the brief of it.
by jessy taylor (the writer formerly known as murat)
girl meets a friend of a friend on a blind date in tennessee. girl meets friend of friend's cousin. girl like cousin. cousin likes girl. girl goes back to colorado. small loans are needed to pay off cell phone bills. several chaotic cross-country trips later boy moves to colorado. chaos builds up and boy is called back to tennessee. blizzards of '06/'07 hit denver. air travel is slowed to a minimum. a break in the clouds lets boy land. boy gives girl ring. boy gets back on plane to return east. a plan is hatched to let boy and girl be in same state at the same time. girl plans to move to tennessee. plan changes. boy moves to colorado. again. boy and girl invite family and friends to colorado to eat cake. rumor flies through boy's family that cake eating is cancelled. rumor is denied. some friends and family come. not all cake is eaten. everyone has fun. girl and boy get on a plane together. girl and boy land in st. thomas, u.s.v.i. and take a ferry to st. john. girl and boy snorkel and hike and take pictures. they get bug-bitten by no-see-ums and their lunch gets eaten by a mongoose. that is not fun. they see stingrays and sea turtles and fish and donkeys and parrots. that is fun. girl and boy get back on a plane and fly to colorado. they get back to their jobs and to their apartment. they live next door to a little boy who likes to blow on his green whistle. they dream about the beach and the fish in the water. they look out from their balcony, past the balcony with little boy and his green whistle and see the beautiful mountains. they are home. they are happy.
the end....for now....