Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
rock-a-bye baby
we briefly doubled our population. sort of. not sure if you could count a 12 pound smiling, crying, sleeping, eating machine named lilly as actually doubling one of us but what she lacks for in size and creativity she makes up for by grabbing the undivided attention of just about everyone that walks through our door. beck migrated to the basement and our brother, adam, and his little family set up camp in her bedroom. they moved out last night but didn't go very far. their apartment is next door, literally on the other side of the fence. this may be a stretch but i think they were excited to get their own place. i think beck is happy to reclaim her room again, although lamenting the fact that she still lacks a "real bed" and maybe a little sad to lose the washer and dryer as roommates. i was sad this morning when i realized i couldn't shuffle over to the next room and give my niece a kiss. i'll have to pole-vault over the fence. now, where did i store my track and field equipment?
Monday, October 23, 2006
it's five o'clock somewhere
i've decided that if you work hard its ok to chill and sit down and take a breath every once in a while. if you have 2 legs and a heart-beat however and don't have a job you should get off your tushie and find one, or two. my niece, lilly, whose job is to keep her mother busy and on call 24/7 decided to take a time out one afternoon. is she watching prison break? or dennis the menace?? and that better be a light beer.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
send me on my way
i biked the Cherry Creek trail twice this past week. i think its my kinda trail. its a hilly winding path with few streetlights and stop signs, (that i usually blow through anyway, i mean, totally stop for) but has much for viewing pleasure. it takes a lot more concentration and devotion to take the bike lane on a road for miles on end, only to smell vehicle butt fumes and breathe lungfulls of CO2. i'm just not that obsessed yet. i'm sure if i measured it i'm probably breathing just as polluted air but at least i get to see more than just passing cars and other masochistic cyclists. my first ride this week i saw a bit more usual. cruising along parrallel to the downtown canal at 10 am i pass two hispanics chillin' at the water's rocky edge, shirts off, feet in, surrounded by the tall yellow grass. on my return trip i noticed a cop and his bike about 15 feet from them. heading this new direction and with the absence of tall grass and rocks i no longer believed they only had their shirts and shoes off. i now knew why the biking cop had pulled up and why several police cars were now pulling up to the bridge above the bank, lights flashing, sirens blurping. pedro and jose made no movement toward their clothes piled behind them. i didn't stick around to find out what happened next. maybe if they had lived in boulder they could have chilled a little longer, or at least till their buzz wore off. i'd have to agree with donald miller that it all goes back to being naked.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
high school never ends
what's the big hype with myspace? it seems to be an obssession no matter what your age. i succumbed to the craze last night. part of me is now dissapointed that i was so weak, and then the other half realizes that i laughed so hard it makes the weakness worthwhile. i surfed through my highschool and college list of myspacers. i realized that i'm quite average when it comes to post-college decisions. i'm not married with 3 kids and i don't want to live in an eternal frat house either. then i realized i wasted an entire night laughing at my classmates. now i'm going to stand in front of the mirror and laugh at myself.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
i'm currently suffering from a chronic case of writer's block. i've been told the best way to cure it would be to just start writing, can't think of anything, can't think of anything, can't think of anything...and now my boring entry will, i'm sure, lose all of my 3 subscribers. my friend, dan, somehow comes up with witty crap like eating with his door open and gets all sorts of comments and continued readers...i need some inspiration like that. maybe i should make myself an office and start eating stuff like cous cous with the door open and then i could write about it and then people would get irritated and tell me they were irritated and then we would have conversations about food and then talk about whose mom's cooking was the best. i'd be out of that conversation because my mom couldn't cook when i was growing up...and then i would have to admit that i was lying and that she could cook a little but that i just wanted to be belligerent.