Thursday, August 10, 2006

discovery channel

my sister and i have recently migrated from a 1 bedroom apt. to a 3 bedroom house. we were joined by natalie, our new roommate. the three of us celebrated our move with a spring cleaning session before we muscled our crap over. we were shocked, nay, appalled (yes, i realize they basically mean the same thing) at the junk we found, left behind by the previous tenants (and the owner who thought himself above the junk cleaning process).

actual conversation with owner after seeing a pile of leftover belongings and trash stacked on the back porch. me: "will you throw that stuff away before we move in next week?" him: "yes, you can throw it away."

acquired treasures (which can now be found by tracking down our garbage man): stale half-eaten strawberry sandwich, spongebob squarepants hamper, book binders, sticker saying "once a freak always a freak", plastic ninja man, tampon applicator, bottle of crusty soap, old sock, dull knife, checker pieces, various tools used for who knows what, mini display shelf with faux flowers glued to it, raincoat, and the list continues...

we had no idea what a gold mine we found!


Blogger ZZ said...

You should have kept that stuff. Maybe it would be worth something some day. Antique strawberry sandwhiches are going for over a grand on eBay.

2/9/06 11:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know its a good blog when you can work the phrases "plastic ninja man"; "Sponge Bob"; and "a dull knife" into a single story.

10/11/06 03:09  

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