Friday, March 17, 2006

more than words

i sat perfectly still for a moment and thought back to the last moment that i sat still and had contemplated that i was having a moment and then i thought about all the moments that had passed between the two moments and i decided that they had gone by more quickly than i thought they would and i was ok with that.

then i looked back over the above paragraph and realized that moment looked like a really funny word. i think you could pick any word and if you write it a dozen times it starts to look wrong, even if you spelled it correctly. or even if it didn't look wrong, you would start to taste the word and then it would become more interesting or more more wierd and then you would either begin to like that word or not like it all. i like the word moment. i also like the word kanimambu. its pronounced kah-nee-MAM-bow. it means "thank you" in xangana. it makes me think of dancing.


Blogger ZZ said...

jessy, I like it when you write after getting into the stash of narcotics the locals keep behind the laundry room.

17/3/06 11:25  

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